New Report: $2.4 Billion: The Annual Cost of PA's Child Care Crisis for Working Mothers

Moms First - The Employee Benefits that Pays for Itself

New Report: Employing and Engaging Families with Young Children, 2024

About Investments in Caring PA

About Us

Through Investments in Caring PA, an initiative of the Pennsylvania Early Learning Investment Commission (ELIC), we provide leadership, inspiration, expertise, and powerful data to engage employers, foster relationships, and encourage partnerships within the private sector and between the public and private sectors. Through our online toolkit, we act as a hub for employers to access resources, tools, and technical assistance to increase private and public support, partnerships, and strategies that allow working parents to access affordable, quality child care. Additionally, we encourage change by convening and building a unified voice of stakeholders for public and private investments and by recognizing employers that champion action to improve access to child care. 

In the toolkit, you'll find

Data and resources to help you get started

Tools, best practices, and policies to help your business better support working families and child care

Information you can share with families about their children's development

Links to organizations across the state that can help you and your employees access quality care; and more!

Our Vision

Through our combined efforts, we believe Pennsylvania will  realize a robustly funded, quality child care and early learning  system that:  


  • is accessible to every child,  
  • is affordable for every family,  
  • meets the needs of diverse families and communities,
  • fairly and equitably compensates teachers and staff, and  
  • is defined by multiple supports, including employer  benefits and policies and public and private-sector  investments. 

Are You Ready to Invest in Caring?

Here are three steps you can take to engage with our Investments in Caring initiative and advocate for a robustly funded, high-quality early care and learning system in PA.


  1. Add policies to your workplace that support your employees’ care needs. Use our online toolkit to determine what policies and practices have been proven to attract and retain workers while also supporting children and families.
  2. Help us identify employers and communities for our case studies and Investments in Caring PA Awards! Each year, we celebrate employers who demonstrate excellent and innovative child care practices that support their working families. To share about an employer or initiative that may be eligible for a case study or award, email
  3. Stay connected! Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest from the Early Learning Investments Commission and our Investments in Caring work.

Learn More About IIC PA

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