New Report: $2.4 Billion: The Annual Cost of PA's Child Care Crisis for Working Mothers

Moms First - The Employee Benefits that Pays for Itself

New Report: Employing and Engaging Families with Young Children, 2024

Consultant and Advocacy Guide

You have a pivotal role in the future of child care in Pennsylvania

This guide is designed for employers committed to enhancing Pennsylvania's child care landscape. In this comprehensive resource, you'll discover high-impact avenues to invest in and improve the state's child care system, from supporting teacher apprenticeships to contributing to vital initiatives. Explore our consultant services section for links to trusted partners offering valuable services to businesses seeking to make a difference. Participate in advocacy initiatives, campaigns, and coalitions to showcase your commitment to building a robust foundation for our workforce and communities.

Invest in System Change

Invest in the workforce of today and tomorrow by supporting the Pennsylvania Early Learning Investment Commission. Your financial support, fully tax-deductible, contributes to advancing public-private investments in high-quality early learning programs. For businesses deeply committed to quality child care, additional investments offer recognition on the Investments in Caring Toolkit, PA ELIC website, marketing materials, and presentations. This support provides access to technical assistance and a framework for solutions tailored to the needs of your employees and community.

Consulting Services

Explore fee-for-service and consulting resources tailored to address child care challenges in the workplace. In this toolkit section, we feature carefully selected partners offering technical assistance and unique child care services. These resources aim to positively impact child care issues for your workforce, community, and throughout the Commonwealth. Discover solutions from leaders like Creative Child Care Solutions, dedicated to identifying and addressing employee child care needs, and Patch Caregiving, providing childcare benefits tailored for the frontline workforce.  


Champion the well-being of Pennsylvania's children and families by supporting impactful campaigns and initiatives through advocacy. Explore organizations like Pre-K for PA, focused on ensuring access to quality pre-kindergarten programs, and Start Strong PA, working to enhance the affordability and availability of high-quality child care. Engage with initiatives such as Childhood Begins at Home, promoting evidence-based home visiting, and Early Learning PA, advocating for quality early learning care and education. Join efforts with Thriving PA to improve health support systems and Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children for research-based investments. Your advocacy can contribute to a stronger foundation for the state's youth and communities.  

Support Apprenticeships

Pennsylvania's Early Childhood Educator Apprenticeship Program presents an opportunity for businesses to address workforce shortages and promote equitable access to high-quality early childhood education. By supporting Registered Early Childhood Education Apprenticeships, businesses contribute to the development of a well-trained and degreed early childhood education workforce. This investment enhances the quality of child care programs and fosters positive outcomes for children. The program focuses on both existing ECE professionals and job seekers, facilitating a smooth transfer of college credits and encouraging employers to provide increased compensation as apprentices gain skills and knowledge.