New Report: Priorities of Early Childhood Providers in PA

Moms First - The Employee Benefits that Pays for Itself

New Report: Employing and Engaging Families with Young Children, 2024


Invest in the Workforce of Today & Tomorrow

Invest in the Work of the Pennsylvania Early Learning Investment Commission

The Pennsylvania Early Learning Investment Commission is a partnership of business leaders dedicated to making the success of every child in Pennsylvania a top priority. We work to improve tomorrow’s economy through smart policy and investment in today’s young children by fostering public and private sector investment in high-quality early learning programs. Your financial support is essential to advancing public-private investments in early learning across the Commonwealth. Contributions are fully tax deductible and will be directed towards general operations and key projects.

Invest & Change

Your business is not only outwardly invested in the importance of quality care for young children you are committed to provide additional assistance to your employees and community. This investment will support the work, receive recognition on the Investments in Caring Toolkit, the PA ELIC website, marketing materials, and presentations. You will also have access to technical assistance and framework for Solutions that will assess the needs of your employees and provide viable solutions to the needs of your working families and community.

The Business Case for High-Quality Child Care

Business leaders have long understood the importance of a well-educated workforce to support a strong economy, keep America competitive globally, and ensure a vibrant democracy. And they have long played a leadership role in strengthening the education pipeline so crucial to our economic growth and prosperity. Yet our nation’s K–12 system is falling short in preparing new generations for the ever-changing demands of the 21st century workplace.

Invest in the Workforce of Today & Tomorrow