New Report: $2.4 Billion: The Annual Cost of PA's Child Care Crisis for Working Mothers

Moms First - The Employee Benefits that Pays for Itself

New Report: Employing and Engaging Families with Young Children, 2024

Employee Assistance Programs

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) help employees navigate life challenges, adverse events, stress, and other issues that affect mental or emotional well-being. Typically, this includes services to help address child or elder care disruptions, along with alcohol or substance abuse, stress or grief, family problems, and financial or legal questions.

EAPs are typically voluntary and free to employees. In most cases, EAPs are also available to employees’ dependents and families.

According to the Society of Human Resources Management, EAPs are typically offered at no cost to employees by stand-alone vendors or providers. They are also relatively low-cost to employers – the average EAP costs employers, on average, $12 to $40 per employee, depending on the plan.

Sample policies and examples: