New Report: Priorities of Early Childhood Providers in PA

Moms First - The Employee Benefits that Pays for Itself

New Report: Employing and Engaging Families with Young Children, 2024

Early Childhood Educator Apprenticeships

Pennsylvania’s Early Childhood Educator Apprenticeship Program aims to address early childhood education (ECE) workforce shortages, while addressing equity and access to high-quality early childhood for all families through a statewide registered apprenticeship system grounded in local and state partnerships.

Pennsylvania businesses who understand that well-trained and degreed teachers are a foundational component of quality child care have a unique opportunity to support Registered Early Childhood Education (ECE) Apprenticeship or Pre-Apprenticeship programs in their communities. When private-sector investments supplement public funding sources, more providers are able to participate in early childhood education degree programs while continuing to work in the field. More credentialed early childhood educators result in higher quality programs and stronger outcomes for children!

The ECE PDO Apprenticeship Program focuses on both the existing ECE workforce, as well as job seekers. Providing a seamless transfer of college credits from the Child Development Associate credential (CDA) to Associate’s and Bachelor’s degrees, the ECE PDO Apprenticeship Program includes a commitment from employers to provide higher compensation to apprentices as their skills and knowledge increase.

ECE Apprenticeship Coordinators By County