New Report: $2.4 Billion: The Annual Cost of PA's Child Care Crisis for Working Mothers

Moms First - The Employee Benefits that Pays for Itself

New Report: Employing and Engaging Families with Young Children, 2024

Early Childhood Development Resources Guide

Pennsylvania's gateway to expert early childhood development assistance.

The Early Childhood Development Resources Guide is a comprehensive toolkit that supports families in Pennsylvania in nurturing their child's early years. Explore Pennsylvania's Early Intervention program through the CONNECT hot-line, offering coaching and services to families with children facing developmental delays and disabilities. PA Promise, spearheaded by the Pennsylvania Office of Early Learning and Development, empowers families to make informed choices about early learning programs. Dive into PNC Grow Up Great, which fosters a lifelong love for learning in children from birth through age five. The Nurse-Family Partnership provides invaluable support for first-time mothers, while STEM Starts Now fosters curiosity and learning. 

The Connect Helpline

Pennsylvania's Early Intervention program offers crucial support and coaching to families with children from birth to age five who experience developmental delays and disabilities. Services, tailored to each child's unique needs, are provided at no cost and may include physical, cognitive, communication, social, and adaptive development areas. Whether in the home, childcare center, or other familiar settings, interventions are seamlessly integrated into daily routines. Eligible families can access services easily through the CONNECT Helpline, ensuring children receive the support they need to thrive. 

Pennsylvania's Promise for Children

Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children, also known as PA Promise, is a campaign dedicated to guiding families in making informed decisions about their child’s early learning journey. Partnered with the Pennsylvania Office of Early Learning and Development (OCDEL), PA Promise offers a wealth of resources and expert advice to support families every step of the way. From understanding developmental milestones to identifying potential delays, PA Promise equips families with the knowledge and tools needed to nurture their child's growth. 

PNC Grow Up Great

Since 2004, PNC Grow Up Great has been dedicated to preparing children aged birth through five for a future filled with success. With a multi-year bilingual initiative totaling $500 million, the program has empowered children to develop a lifelong love for learning. Through strategic partnerships with educational experts at local and national levels, they've cultivated resources and programs aimed at nurturing children's curiosity and growth. From free bilingual resources for parents, caregivers, and educators to teaching children how to be good neighbors through Fred Rogers Productions, PNC Grow Up Great is committed to fostering a bright future for every child. 

Nurse-Family Partnership

Discover Nurse-Family Partnership, an evidence-based program revolutionizing community health for first-time moms and their children impacted by social and economic disparities.  Nurse-Family Partnership empowers specially trained nurses to support moms from early pregnancy through their child's second birthday, fostering healthier pregnancies and stronger family bonds. By focusing on prenatal care, child development, and family self-sufficiency, Nurse-Family Partnership achieves remarkable outcomes, including reduced ER visits and improved long-term well-being. Experience the gold standard in home visiting programs and unlock a brighter future for your family. 

STEM Starts Now

Explore STEM Starts Now, a dynamic e-newsletter and movement dedicated to nurturing children's innate curiosity and fostering early learning for lifelong skills. STEM Starts Now empowers parents to guide their babies' cognitive, physical, and emotional growth. Delivered with empathy and guidance, this newsletter equips caregivers with essential knowledge and practical tips tailored to their child's age and developmental milestones. Join the movement and embark on a journey of discovery with your little scientist from day one.