Investments in Caring PA is Pennsylvania's resource for employers to assist their employees in finding access to quality care. This toolkit provides information and resources to identify new or expanded ways to strengthen your workforce and your bottom line.
ReadyNation and the Council for a Strong America's "2.4 Billion: The Annual Cost of PA's Child Care Crisis for Working Mothers" details the amount lost in earnings, productivity, and tax revenue due to gaps in the child care system.
Check out the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation's step-by-step quick guide for offering vouchers or subsidies.
Topline Report Findings from 2023: $6.65 BILLION, The Growing Cost of Pennsylvania's Child Care Crisis, and The High Cost of Work in Early Childhood Education (A workforce on the brink of collapse).
All children born in 2019 and after to PA residents, including children who are adopted, have a Keystone Scholars account in their name with $100 for postsecondary education expenses.
This report looks deeper at Pennsylvania's child care and pre-k system complexities and recommends the improvements necessary to ensure the system functions equitably and increases access and affordability for all families in the commonwealth.
The Center for the Study of Child Care Employment at UC Berkeley and Child Care Aware® of America teamed up to create a new video that explains why parents cannot afford to pay and educators cannot afford to stay and proposes a solution for a better way to support children, their families, and early educators.
Choosing child care for the young children in your life can be less stressful if you know what to look for when determining whether or not a program is "high-quality." Start Strong PA offers an easy to access fact sheet.